Tuesday, February 8, 2022

So Far in A Level!

 Hello again!

    I know I mentioned some fo my latest projects in A level AICE Media Studies in my last blog post and how they have helped me evolve as a creator, so I wanted to take the time to talk about these projects in depth, particularly the documentary and film distribution project. Here I go!


    Before the end of 2021, myself and two other classmates got to create a documentary on the relationship between gender and clothing and why this ability to express oneself is so vital, especially for those that may be viewed differently for it. It consisted of three interviewees (Ana Echeverri, Jan Bourgmayer, and Florence Laurent) who talked about their experiences, both good and bad, regarding fluid fashion. Despite it being a relatively controversial project, I think the end result was effective in not only telling the interviewees' stories, but also starting a conversation about a topic that is often not discussed.

    In all honesty, this project was not an easy one. Again, finding a way to present the topic in an open, comprehensible way was quite the challenge, however fully worth the effort. I learned so much about writing a documentary, contacting interviewees, filming with SONY a7iis, properly using a Ronin, color grading, finding music, and so much more. Despite all this work, I really did think that all of my time was truly well-spent, especially since I had discovered a newfound confidence and motivation for creating, particularly for pieces that explore taboo subjects. I am very happy that my group and I chose an unusual topic and stuck with it to the end, even if I had to experience some uncomfortable conversations and be extremely vulnerable (since the topic itself was something I had and have been experimenting with). It allowed me to dive deeper into an unexplored part of myself and heal from experiences regarding the subject. This, by far, is the project I am most proud of. I definitely plan on making something similar in the near future.


    Another significant project that has allowed me to expand my horizons was the most recent group assignment, the film distribution project. Here, my partners and I were responsible for not only developing key art, a teaser and trailer for a story written by a creative writing student, but we also had to create an entire marketing and distribution plan for the film. This was the first real time I had ever created a real teaser or trailer, since I am usually accustomed to creating either complete short films or short news stories. Not only did this allow me to gain more experience regarding that aspect of the project, but I also got to be on camera for the first time. Usually, I will anchor or appear in my own informational, entertainment, or news segments; however, this was the first time that I was fully acting. This was already a challenge considering I'm used to remaining on the other side of the lens, but pretending to be a ten-year-old boy definitely did not make acting any easier. Looking back, I don't necessarily like the accent or voice I used to represent the character, however I think I would enjoy being on camera a more often. Here is the trailer.

    Another really important aspect of this project was the development of the film's marketing and distribution techniques, as well as the key art. For our social commentary film, we decided to go relatively simple an design a simplistic "poster" with the main character's silhouette and the movie's title, "Still It Rained," in a clear font. Here is the key art my group created:

    Creating the marketing and distribution strategies was also quite enjoyable. I learned a TON about theatrical releases and their cost, film festivals, and the overall distribution timeline for different types of films. Not only that, but my group members and I were able to get very creative in terms of what we wanted to do for marketing. Of course we included the typical digital marketing methods such as social media presence, but we were also able to bring our rainy universe to life through podcast features (combined with sound design elements) and collaboration with the heads of Rapids Water Park. This is because we mentioned that hosting an interactive, in-person (hyperrealistic) attraction that merged family fun and our film's message/atmosphere would allow us to creatively gain more traction for our film. I think that of course besides getting to film something new, this project allowed me to dive deeper into marketing and distribution and their roles in a film's ultimate success.

This is one of our presentation slides regarding
 the distribution of our film.

    Overall, I will definitely be using all of this important information for not only future projects, but possibly real life as well. I am very grateful for all of these opportunities and hope to expand my skills and knowledge even more throughout the next few projects! I will definitely miss this class when I graduate, it has completely transformed the way I consume and create.

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