Sunday, February 14, 2021

Film Opening - Blog Post #2

Our First Challenge

  Good afternoon everyone! Unfortunately, my group was not able to meet like we had planned. Every member’s schedules were different, especially since everyone in our group was competing in a national production competition, STN. Competing was stressful enough, however not being able to meet definitely added to this frustration (especially since we were planning on solidifying our idea during today’s meeting).

An Idea With Potential

Even though we are not completely set on anything yet, I wanted to share an idea that one of my teammates, Logan, suggested. He said that we could have the film opening take place in an office (which is a filming location that would be available to us thanks to another teammate of mine, Sabrina). Throughout the two minutes, we could have the credits (ex: director, writer, etc.) appear in the corner while we establish the dystopian, post-apocalyptic mood we are going for. We would achieve this through the use of colored lighting, diegetic sound and possibly music. Logan proposed that we could have the main character be working overtime, all alone (we would establish their solitude through dialogue when they say goodbye to a coworker). We would cut between the shot of the protagonist and a security camera showing some sort of creature outside with monster-like sound effects to show that the subject might be in danger. The worker would then get up to get a cup of coffee, but as they close the door, a loud monster noise would play and the title would splash on the screen. This would set up the setting and plot, and hopefully hint to the viewers that this character’s purpose was to demonstrate the dystopian conditions of our fictional world, not necessarily serve as the main character of our story. 


We'll See

        Like I mentioned before, we still have not decided on anything yet but we hope to meet tomorrow or some other time this week to finalize the brainstorming process and hopefully begin planning. I’ll keep you guys posted! 

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